Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Magician's Nephew

The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis was first published in January 1995. This story occurs when "your grandfather was a child". This story is told using third person.

There are two main characters in this book. They are:

Polly Plummer

This book has a lot of magic in it. Polly and Digory go into Digory's attic which is forbidden to them. It turns out that Digory's uncle is a magician and he sends them into another world- or more like world between worlds- with a ring. They turn up in a wood with many, many pools of water and these are the portals to other lands. They go into one of the pools after marking the one they came out of them and turn up in a palace that is in ruins. Digory rings a bell which brings dozens of wax figures to life! The palace falls in ruins and they barely get out alive- just to find that the lady that helped the escape is an evil witch! All of this and more are in The Magician's Nephew. Try it for yourself!

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